Potencialize seu negócio com os nossos serviços

Tudo que você precisa para alavancar o seu negócio, em um só lugar.

5 estrelas de satisfação.


Sobre Nós

Na Glaz Agency, transformamos ideias em resultados. Somos uma agência completa, especializada em criar estratégias personalizadas para fortalecer marcas e impulsionar negócios. Oferecemos serviços como gestão de redes sociais, criação de conteúdos criativos, campanhas de tráfego pago, desenvolvimento de sites, cobertura de eventos e design gráfico completo, tudo pensado para destacar sua marca no mercado.

Block letters spelling 'SOCIAL MEDIA' arranged on a dark textured background.
Block letters spelling 'SOCIAL MEDIA' arranged on a dark textured background.
A well-lit photography studio with a model posing in a black, form-fitting outfit adorned with reflective elements. The photographer is capturing the scene with professional equipment, including lights and backdrops. The studio has a large window, wooden floors, and brick walls, creating a warm and creative atmosphere.
A well-lit photography studio with a model posing in a black, form-fitting outfit adorned with reflective elements. The photographer is capturing the scene with professional equipment, including lights and backdrops. The studio has a large window, wooden floors, and brick walls, creating a warm and creative atmosphere.

Ao nos contratar, você ganha não apenas um time de especialistas dedicados ao sucesso do seu negócio, mas também soluções estratégicas que geram mais visibilidade, engajamento e conversões. Juntos, construímos histórias que conectam marcas às pessoas certas.

”Samuel Santana é Desenvolvedor web, formado em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, ele possui experiência no desenvolvimento de sistemas web, aplicativos e plataformas de criação de sites, como WordPress, Wix, entre outras.”

- Samuel Santana

”Jaqueline Glaz, CEO da agência, é estrategista criativa dedicada a transformar marcas por meio de soluções inovadoras. Cristã, une disciplina, ética e paixão pelo marketing para gerar resultados expressivos e construir histórias de sucesso.”

- Jaqueline Glaz

”Karen é copywriter, social media e produtora de conteúdo, graduada em Letras pela UnB. Desde 2014, atua com copywriting para lançamentos, landing pages, releases, roteiros e redes sociais, criando textos estratégicos que geram resultados.”

- Karen

”Martins é fotógrafo de eventos, especializado em formaturas. Também registra casamentos, aniversários e eventos em geral, garantindo momentos únicos com qualidade e dedicação. Ele transforma memórias em arte, eternizando emoções com seu olhar profissional.”

- Martins

Nossa Equipe

”Edieny é gestora de tráfego, graduada em Marketing e especialista em anúncios Meta. Desenvolve estratégias assertivas e cria campanhas que atraem público qualificado, maximizando resultados e impulsionando o crescimento de negócios.”

- Edieny

”Yhorrana é designer de ilustração e design gráfico, especialista na criação de peças para redes sociais, materiais impressos e layouts de sites em WordPress e Elementor. Domina Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, XD e Meta Spear Art Studio para entregar designs impactantes.”

- Yhorrana Ketlin

”Aline é storymaker e editora de vídeos, especialista em roteiros e stories que engajam. Com mais de 5 anos de experiência, realiza coberturas em tempo real de eventos diversos, criando vídeos impactantes que conectam sua marca ao público.”

- Aline

”Matheus é especialista em transformar ideias em vídeos que geram conexões reais. Com roteiros criativos e stories impactantes, ele entrega conteúdos dinâmicos e cobertura em tempo real para maximizar engajamento e reter sua audiência.”

- Matheus Caetano

Nossos Serviços

Potencialize seu negócio com nossas soluções personalizadas em marketing e comunicação visual.

Layouts Personalizados

Criação de cardápios, panfletos e artes exclusivas para feed e stories que encantam.

A smartphone displaying a social media profile is placed on a wooden table next to a laptop. The profile includes a picture, name, and details about a creator and photographer. The blue and white interface is visible on the phone screen.
A smartphone displaying a social media profile is placed on a wooden table next to a laptop. The profile includes a picture, name, and details about a creator and photographer. The blue and white interface is visible on the phone screen.
Fotografia Profissional

Especializados em alimentos e ensaios externos, capturamos a essência do seu produto com qualidade.

Produzimos reels criativos para engajar seu público com conteúdo dinâmico e estratégico que converte.

Gestão de Tráfego
Wooden signs with handwritten text advertise social media engagement, including platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, attached to a pole in a casual outdoor setting. The text is decorative, and the imagery provides a vintage, handcrafted feel.
Wooden signs with handwritten text advertise social media engagement, including platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, attached to a pole in a casual outdoor setting. The text is decorative, and the imagery provides a vintage, handcrafted feel.
A workspace featuring a whiteboard with a social media content schedule, organized by day and platform, using sticky notes in varying colors. A wooden table holds an open laptop displaying a social media management application, alongside pens and small circular items.
A workspace featuring a whiteboard with a social media content schedule, organized by day and platform, using sticky notes in varying colors. A wooden table holds an open laptop displaying a social media management application, alongside pens and small circular items.
A photographer is taking pictures of a food setup in a studio or kitchen environment. The scene includes professional lighting equipment, such as softboxes and reflectors. Two individuals are present, with one focusing on capturing the image while the other stands nearby.
A photographer is taking pictures of a food setup in a studio or kitchen environment. The scene includes professional lighting equipment, such as softboxes and reflectors. Two individuals are present, with one focusing on capturing the image while the other stands nearby.


Explore nossos projetos de marketing e criações exclusivas para você.

A photography studio scene featuring a photographer capturing a male subject who is posing on a white backdrop. Several people are observed behind the photographer, including a woman adjusting equipment and others casually standing around. The room is industrial-style with large windows and visible vents on the ceiling.
A photography studio scene featuring a photographer capturing a male subject who is posing on a white backdrop. Several people are observed behind the photographer, including a woman adjusting equipment and others casually standing around. The room is industrial-style with large windows and visible vents on the ceiling.
A person is holding a smartphone displaying a social media app, with various images on the screen. A camera and a disposable coffee cup are on a white surface nearby. The setting is well lit, creating a casual and focused atmosphere.
A person is holding a smartphone displaying a social media app, with various images on the screen. A camera and a disposable coffee cup are on a white surface nearby. The setting is well lit, creating a casual and focused atmosphere.
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

A agência agencyglaz transformou nossas ideias em layouts incríveis e aumentou nosso engajamento nas redes sociais.

João Silva

A photo shoot is taking place outdoors with a photographer holding a camera and capturing an image of a person in a bright, colorful outfit. A large softbox light is set up next to the photographer, and another person, possibly an assistant, stands nearby. The setting is a paved outdoor area surrounded by greenery, with a telecommunication tower and dramatic clouds in the background.
A photo shoot is taking place outdoors with a photographer holding a camera and capturing an image of a person in a bright, colorful outfit. A large softbox light is set up next to the photographer, and another person, possibly an assistant, stands nearby. The setting is a paved outdoor area surrounded by greenery, with a telecommunication tower and dramatic clouds in the background.

Os reels criativos da agencyglaz realmente ajudaram a nossa marca a se destacar no mercado.

Maria Souza

A hand holding a smartphone displaying an Instagram profile grid. The screen features various posts with vibrant colors and text, focusing on motivational content and social media strategies. The background includes leafy plants, adding a natural touch.
A hand holding a smartphone displaying an Instagram profile grid. The screen features various posts with vibrant colors and text, focusing on motivational content and social media strategies. The background includes leafy plants, adding a natural touch.